Upper Eyelid Surgery in Philadelphia

Serving Philadelphia, the Main Line, King of Prussia, Wayne, PA, New Jersey and the neighboring tri state areas

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Oculofacial Plastic Surgery American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery American Academy of Ophthalmology American Board of Ophthalmology American College of Surgeons (ACS) WillsEye Hospital Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors 2024

Upper eyelid surgery – or "blepharoplasty" – removes sagging, excess skin and fat above the eyes.

The only way to know if you are a good candidate is to be evaluated by our experienced, greater Philadelphia oculoplastic surgeons. Please call Morgenstern Center for Orbital and Facial Plastic Surgery at 610.687.8771 to schedule a consultation.

Upper Blepharoplasty Before & Afters

Also known as an eye lift, this surgical cosmetic procedure helps patients with aging eyes appear years younger by removing excess skin folds and fatty tissue in the upper eyelid area, located beneath the brow bone. The procedure helps open the eye area so the patient looks more youthful and well-rested.

You may be a good eyelid surgery candidate if you have:

  • Puffy upper eyelids
  • Sagging upper eyelids
  • Upper eyelid interfering with your vision

For some patients, extra fat and skin on the upper lid results in an aged appearance. For some people, the sagging is so pronounced that the upper eyelid pushes down on the lashes and interferes with your peripheral vision.

Upper eyelid surgery may be right for you if you are unhappy with the way aging has affected the area above your eyes. You must be evaluated before choosing this procedure. Our oculo-facial surgeons will determine if eyelid surgery can accomplish the goals you have in mind. If your eyelids are being pushed down by sagginess in your brow, then a brow lift may be more effective.

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure. During the upper eyelid surgery Philadelphia surgeon Dr. Morgenstern will make an incision in the crease of the upper eyelid, and then fat and skin are repositioned or removed to achieve a younger-looking appearance. Our surgeons customize each procedure to the individual, so the repositioning and removal of fat that takes place will depend on your desired outcome.

For some patients, upper eyelid surgery is performed alone. Sometimes it is combined with lower eyelid surgery or even with a brow lift. It depends what you want to achieve, as well as your budget and the amount of downtime you can take. Every patient is different, and our facial surgeons will help you achieve the best facial rejuvenation results from your upper eyelid surgery Philadelphia has to offer you.

Once your incision is completely healed, the remaining scar should be well concealed within the natural fold of your upper eyelid.

There are subtle differences between the two procedures. The only way to know if you are a good candidate for either a brow lift or upper eyelid surgery is to be evaluated by our experienced, greater Philadelphia Oculo Facial Plastic Surgeon.

Brow Lift:
If your eyelids are being pushed down by sagginess in your brow, then a brow lift may be more effective than an eye lift. A brow lift raises the position of the eyebrows to correct droopy brows that are causing an angry or tired appearance. Brow lift surgery, also known as a forehead lift, has the added benefit of smoothing out forehead wrinkles and frown lines. When drooping brows are raised to the ideal height, it helps tighten some of the loose eyelid skin by pulling it upward. This helps to take the weight off the eyelid for more fresh, awake-looking eyes. Dr. Morgenstern performs a minimally invasive Endoscopic Brow Lift that has less bruising and faster healing than traditional surgery.

An upper blepharoplasty (eye lift), on the other hand, surgically removes excess skin and fat deposits on the eyelid itself. It does not raise the position of the brow. This is desirable for patients that have accumulated tissue that is weighing down the upper lid, even when the brow is in a natural position. While a brow lift can alleviate much of the excess eyelid skin, it is not suitable for patients that don’t have heavy brows weighing them down, to begin with. We want to keep the brows in a natural position, not raise them high on the forehead simply to reduce upper eyelid skin. Unless you have sagging upper eyelids due to drooping eyebrows, an eye lift alone may be in your best interest.

In some cases, a combined eye lift and brow lift procedure may achieve the best cosmetic result. This is often true for patients that still appear to have heavy, sagging eyelids even when the sagging brow is raised. Please call Morgenstern Center for Orbital and Facial Plastic Surgery at 610.549.4233 to schedule a consultation to learn more about your options.

Upper eyelid surgery is a customized procedure. Some patients have minimal excess eyelid skin, others have a large amount of loose skin and fat, while others may require a combined blepharoplasty and brow lift in one. In many cases, patients come in for an eye lift consultation, only to learn it is the brow that is the real problem (thus requiring a different procedure altogether).

Since it’s a very personalized surgery, it is difficult to provide a generic price quote. Dr. Morgenstern’s eye lift cost is commensurate with his skills and experience.

To obtain an accurate price quote, please book a consultation so he may examine the eye and brow area to determine the right surgery for you. Once a treatment plan is created just for you, we’ll be able to tell you the full cost of those services. Our consultation comes with no obligation to pursue surgery.

Blepharoplasty is the most popular procedure among our patients at the Morgenstern Center. Our specialist eye surgeon has performed thousands of eye lift surgeries in his career on satisfied patients throughout the greater metropolitan area and beyond.

Upper Eyelid Surgery Philadelphia

Dr. Ken Morgenstern, MD FACS is the lead Philadelphia blepharoplasty surgeon at the Morgenstern Center for Orbital and Facial Plastic Surgery. He is among the top Philadelphia eyelid surgeons in the region and has been featured in Philadelphia Magazine as a 2020 Top Doctor.

Few surgeons in the area have the level of training and experience in performing blepharoplasty surgery as Dr. Morgenstern. With extensive training in craniofacial surgery, ophthalmological surgery, and facial cosmetic surgery, he is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology.

Additionally, Dr. Morgenstern is fellowship-trained specifically in plastic surgery of the eye area. This intensive training provided him advanced knowledge of eye anatomy and aesthetic techniques to help him create beautiful, youthful eyes that earn compliments.

We Specialize in Natural-looking Eye Lift Results

Equally as important as his qualifications, Dr. Morgenstern has a compassionate bedside manner. He is a great listener and truly wants to help patients improve their appearance according to their individual definition of beauty.

With a mastery of the latest blepharoplasty techniques, he’ll help take years off your eyes’ appearance without making it obvious you had anything done. Every millimeter of skin and every CC of fat removed makes a difference to the final outcome. At Morgenstern Center, we ensure patients have a natural-looking result by keeping these details in mind, and we strive to bring you the best Blepharoplasty Philadelphia has to offer.

Schedule Your Consultation

At The Morgenstern Center for Orbital and Facial Plastic Surgery, you will find innovative treatment options and a commitment to excellence. Let Dr. Kenneth Morgenstern guide you on your path to wellness by creating a personalized treatment plan to optimize your results.

Wayne, PA Office:
123 Bloomingdale Ave Suite 102
Wayne, PA 19087

Lancaster, PA Office:
606 Community Way
Lancaster, PA 17603

Call Today 610.687.8771 or Schedule Using Our Form Below

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