Reconstructive Surgery in Philadelphia

Serving Philadelphia, Wayne, Lancaster, the Main Line, King of Prussia, PA, New Jersey and the neighboring tri state areas

American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, Oculofacial Plastic Surgery American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery American Academy of Ophthalmology American Board of Ophthalmology American College of Surgeons (ACS) WillsEye Hospital Philadelphia, PA Philadelphia Magazine's Top Doctors 2024

What is a Reconstructive Surgery?

Reconstructive surgery is a procedure performed on abnormal structures of the body caused by congenital defects, developmental abnormalities, diseases, infections, traumas or tumors.

Reconstructive surgery restores the form and function of the body dealing with birth defects, complex wounds and other injuries.

Reconstructive surgery is generally performed to improve function but it can also improve physical appearance. Whether due to cancer or some traumatic injury, a reconstructive procedure can make a huge difference with the latest technology and a skillful surgeon. Traumatic injuries to the head and neck, including a serious burn or wound can be dealt with. Reconstructive surgery can be a breast reconstruction after a lumpectomy or mastectomy. Typically, reconstructive surgeries are considered medically necessary.

Here are some of the more common types of reconstructive surgery:

  • Breast reduction, or reduction mammoplasty, removes excess breast fat and skin often to deal with discomfort from large breasts
  • Breast reconstruction can change the shape and size of the breasts
  • Burns reconstruction restores the appearance of the skin after burn injuries
  • Cleft lip and palate is usually performed on young children with congenital abnormalities
  • Congenital anomaly is a defect condition present at or from birth in a child
  • Craniosynostosis involves the fibrous joints between the skull bones resulting in an abnormal head shape
  • Gender confirmation allows a transgender individual to choose the physical appearance and functional abilities of the gender they desire
  • Giant nevi removal removes moles in children born with congenital nevi (or pigmented moles)
  • Mohs Surgery can remove abnormal skin growths
  • Hand surgery can improve the flexibility, function and strength of a hand for syndrome such as carpal tunnel and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Lymphedema is a condition with painful swelling in the arms and/or legs
  • Microsurgery can repair intricate structures like blood vessels and nerves
  • Migraine surgery reduces or eliminates the frequency and duration of headaches
  • Orthognathic surgery improves the form and function of the jaw and chin
  • Panniculectomy removes hanging skin and fat from the lower abdomen
  • Regenerative medicine uses stem cells harvested from fat to regenerate cells and tissues in the body
  • Septoplasty alters a deviated septum to ease breathing difficulties
  • Scar revision improves the appearance of surgical or traumatic scars
  • Tissue flap transplant, or tissue transfer, restores part of the body to its original appearance by using the patient’s own tissue or a deceased donor

Cosmetic surgery reshapes and adjusts normal anatomy for more visually appeals to your body. It is not medically necessary but can greatly enhance a person’s life. Examples of cosmetic procedures include breast augmentation, breast lift, facelift, liposuction and a tummy tuck. There are similarities between reconstructive and cosmetic plastic surgery because the underlying surgical principles are comparable. For example, rhinoplasty can restore normal nasal breathing and enhance the appearance of your nose.

Am I Candidate for Reconstructive Surgery?

You are a good candidate if you are in good physical health, a non-smoker and realistic about the risks and results of a reconstructive surgery in Philadelphia and the Main Line.

What Are the Risks?

Like any surgery, there are some risks with a reconstructive surgery, including a bad reaction to anesthesia, bleeding, blood clots, infection, itchy scars, numbness, and movement of an implant.

How is the Recovery?

It depends on what type of reconstructive surgery you get done. Your doctors will provide post-op recommendations, including physical therapy, medications, diet, and rest. It is important to follow your doctor’s advice following a major surgery because it can greatly affect your recovery. Sometimes, if the recovery time is long, some patients return to work sooner than expected. There can be pressure from your boss to return to work or it could be a financial decision. However, shortening your recovery time could result in more problems such as developing deep vein thrombosis. You need to be fully recovered before you can focus on work again.

Make sure you take all of your pain medications as prescribed. The medication can help you deal with the kind of discomfort that interferes with appetite, mobility and sleep. Your doctor will likely recommend that you go for short walks to get your blood circulation flowing and get your muscles moving again. Gentle mobility after surgery can prevent issues such as blood clots and pulmonary embolism. Going for a walk has been known to strengthen your immunity system and give you some energy as well as help with digestion.

During your recovery, driving can be an issue, especially if you have a long commute to work. While your body is recovering, your reaction is not as 100% as it normally would be and medications may also have an impact. You may consider carpooling or using a Uber service or public transit.

You will definitely want to avoid strenuous exercises and be aware of not getting up and moving too fast or lifting heavy objects. This is especially important if you are recovering from a heart attack or cardiovascular surgery. If your doctor recommends physical therapy, attend every session in order to regain your full strength and mobility. The more physical therapy you can do, the faster and stronger you will recovery.

What Patients Are Saying About the Morgenstern Center

Read more patient testimonials

“I did a lot of research before choosing a surgeon. I like and trust Dr. Morgenstern as he is artistic, he aims for a natural look and gives attention to detail. Dr. Morgenstern is a perfectionist.”

—Wayne, PA

Schedule Your Consultation

At The Morgenstern Center for Orbital and Facial Plastic Surgery, you will find innovative treatment options and a commitment to excellence. Let Dr. Kenneth Morgenstern guide you on your path to wellness by creating a personalized treatment plan to optimize your results.

Wayne, PA Office:
123 Bloomingdale Ave Suite 102
Wayne, PA 19087

Lancaster, PA Office:
606 Community Way
Lancaster, PA 17603

Call Today 610.687.8771 or Schedule Using Our Form Below

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